Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Is there an easier way to Chlorinate your pool?

Have you ever wondered if there was an easier way to chlorinate your pool? Are you getting tired of having to handle tables, transporting and storing all the different kinds of chemicals? Well there might just be something different that would work for you. Have you ever heard of Salt Pool? Or many people say they have salt water? Well this is called using a Salt Chlorine Generator...

              What is a Salt Chlorine Generator?

Products like the SGS Salt System uses common table salt to product all the chlorine a pool need so you don't have to buy, store or handle chlorine. By installing a salt generator, you get the same sanitization performance as manual chlorine. Also remember that in times you might still have to some chlorine.

Clean, sparkling water- water is cleaner and clearer than before.
Softer Skin- your skin won't dry out.
Easier on the Eyes- No more red irritated eyes.
                                                          Nicer to the nose- eliminates harsh chemical odor.
                                                          Gentler on fabrics- no more faded swimsuits
                                                          Safer for you family- no more liquid chlorine spills

How Does it work?

A salt system is plumbed into a pool's pump and filter system along the return side of the plumbing. Once installed, ordinary salt is added to the pool water. Usually it take a hundred pounds of salt to get the system going.  As salt water begins to flow through the generator it is electrolytically converted to pure chlorine. The chlorine is then automatically distributed to your pool, sanitizing your water by eliminating biological and bacterial growth.

The genius of the system is that when the chlorine breaks down it becomes salt again. So the salt you add to the pool earlier is not consumed, it is continually recycled. You won't need to add salt often, but remember that you will lose some from splash-out with regular use. Most salt generators will clearly indicate when salt needs to be added to the pool.

Last thing is that the amount of salt in the water is less than what we humans have naturally in our bodies. You won't taste it. but you will feel the effect it has on your skin- soft- skin.  It is also much easier on your eyes, skin, hair and swimsuits.

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